Project S.r.l. Informatica, software for tender



Software for tenders allows you to develop sophisticated budgets for public entities but also for offices and small companies. Inside it is possible to find 2500 yields of cleaning firms processed by 20-years-experienced companies in the sector. The tender can be developed for a customer already existing as well as a customer still to acquire. (Screen 1). Besides, choosing the most suitable setting, hourly suitable yields will be set up. It is also possible to indicate (Screen 2) the period of validity of the budget as well as the period of closing of the service caused by the following motivations:

In a tender there is no limit about number of lots to insert (Screen 3). This allows to process a SINGLE budget also with hundreds of lots. For each lot besides it is possible to specify until 26 Areas. For each Lot/Area you can insert an unlimited number of operations to carry out. During the phase of insertion of operations to effect (ordinary or periodical), you can insert the number of intervention to carry out in a day (Screen 4). The software will process according to days in which effect the service and will calculate the amount of the hours for the considered period operation by operation. They will be recapitulated in the next phase. (Screen 5 and Screen 6). At this point, the die is cast and you can pass to the phase of total amount calculating the incidence of various costs in percentage as well as in absolute value (Screen 7). A printable working daily calendar is included (Screen 8) Besides, a PROJECT TENDER to present to customers is composed by 250 pages subdivided into sections. A software that cannot miss in your collection if you want to take part in a tender and win it.
