software rifiuti, software smaltimento rifiuti e software ecologia

Ecology - Waste Material Management

Ecology - Waste Material Management



The software that we introduce manages any waste materials and their disposal, i.e. household waste, USED, SPECIAL, TOXIC AND HARMFUL OILS.

As below an example of utilization of our software for waste materials.

Normally who carries out waste disposal, handles more products, consequently has different ministerial authorizations for the transport as well as for the warehousing of wastes. ECOSERDATA is the ideal software for the disposal of wastes and their management. Means of transport for wastes have to pass a sworn examination as they have to come up to some standards changing depending on waste to transport. Each vehicle can be suitable to transport more than a typology of waste. In fact each authorization can indicate more than a means of transport. Authorizations for the transport have a start date and an end date, and generally have a period of validity from 5 to 10 years. Warehousing of wastes can be temporary, if it is conferred to a transformer or to a final discharger, or definitive if the intermediate step is omitted. The ecology software ECOSERDATA manages all case history in the best way.

Authorizations for the warehousing are associated to the structure in which the product is stole and normally their duration is 7 years. They also contain maximum warehousing quantity and the annual turning of the product. Who temporary stocks, when it transfers wastes to a final discharge operator or to a transformer, actually sells its wastes. Consequently, software ECOSERDATA manages FORMULARIES, and disposal of wastes of any type. The price of wastes is quoted on the Stock Exchange or anyway it is composed by the sum of some raw materials quoted on the Stock Exchange. If a national consortium for wastes exists, a part of the product is paid by the final discharger/transformer and a part by the consortium appearing on the formulary as 1st assignee (i.e., for oils it exists consortium CONOE A consortium is also a part of another association (i.e. ANCO Customers producing wastes can be bodies, agencies or private individual, anyway each custom can have from one until numberless point of collection (i.e. yards), with different contacts and location. Customers stow their products in different ways according to their typology. Pubs, restaurants, gastronomies, or private citizen (obliged by their municipalities to dispose oils separately because they have no sewerage system - and oils cannot flow into cesspool as they are polluting). Consequently, for the collection caution money containers all with various capacity are provided to customers (large drums, bell-shaped containers similar to those for collection of glass), tanks. The container is recommended by the collector or it is chosen by the customer. In the software Ecologia has to be considered rooms that the customer at his disposal and the location of the yard. In holiday resorts normally yards have tanks containing until 1000 litres (1,759 pints) of product and wastes are collected at the end of each season with tankers. In the cities or in small centres it is better the delivery of large drums as they cannot stop for a long time on the roads and also because in rooms generally there are not spaces where keeping a tank. The collection of large drums besides lowers operator’s inspection time by the customer, but it has to bear in mind that it takes emptying and washing time of drums greater than those of a tanker. According by law, wastes have a maximum time of warehousing for yards as well as for manager. In fact, oils cannot be kept for no more than six months.

All services concerned to the collection of wastes are normally paid by the customer, even if recently some companies offer their service free of charge as they earn selling their wastes. The software ECOSERDATA has fees of invoicing that generally are in inverse relation to the annual quantity directly conferred and proportional to the distance of the yard. At moment of the collection a formulary similar to a transport document is issued. This formulary is composed by 4 copies - one is given to the customer at the collection, one is for the carrier, one for the warehousing and the fourth one has to be sent to the customer for the acceptance of the loading. The quantity of the product indicated on the document is estimated, but it is confirmed sending the fourth copy (see the section below of the formulary). When the company sells, it utilizes the same formulary but it becomes a producer and immediately sends a copy to the consortium and 1st dealer. In the software Ecologia formularies has to be managed using a register of loading and downloading. So a good customer is near by and confers a lot of product. For the customers, it is requested to issue an invoice of annual fees including at least an annual collection and it is offered from 1 to 24 annual collections with relevant agreed fees, equalizing at the end of the year. Selling the product, it is requested to invoice immediately to the dealer as well as to the discharger/transformer.